This is the complete VIRUS SysEx documentation. It was posted on September 3rd 1999.

[Virus logo, stolen from the ACCESS site]


The Parameters of the VIRUS are organized in three so-called pages A, B and C.

Each page contents 128 parameters, addressed by numbers from 0 to 127.

Each parameter is repesented by one byte with a maximum value of 127.

All parameters are individually accessible by SysEx-Parameterchange.

The pages A and B represent a Single-Program, so a Single-Program contents 256 Bytes.

Page A (LowPage) contents Single parameters that are usefull for MIDI automation. The parameters
of this page are additionally controllable by MIDI Control Change. The sending and reception
of MIDI Control Change can be enabled or disabled by MIDI CONTROL LowPage (CTRL menu).
When disabled (LowPage=SysEx), the VIRUS only sends and receives SysEx Parameter Change on Page A.
When enabled (LowPage=Contr), the VIRUS sends MIDI Control Change on parameter movement,
and receives both MIDI Control Change and SysEx-Parameterchange on Page A.
The default setting is LowPage=Contr.

The remaining Single parameters in Page B (HiPage) are additionally controllable by
MIDI Polyphonic Pressure (!). The sending and reception of MIDI Poly Pressure can be enabled
or disabled by MIDI CONTROL HiPage (CTRL menu).
When disabled (LowPage=SysEx), the VIRUS only sends and receives SysEx Parameter Change on Page B.
When enabled (LowPage=PolyPrs), the VIRUS sends MIDI Poly Pressure on parameter movement,
and receives both MIDI Poly Pressure and SysEx Parameter Change on Page B.
This feature should not be used in connection with a keyboard that sends Polyphonic Pressure.
The default setting is LowPage=SysEx.

Page C contents Multi parameters and Global parameters. These parameters are sent and received
only by SysEx Parameter Change.

In the following, all bytes are shown in hexadecimal representation.

Control Change message (only Page A)

Bc :Status byte, c=MIDI channel
nn :Parameter Number 0..127 (see parameter list Page A)
vv :Parameter Value 0..127 (see parameter list Page A)

The Control Change messages are defined as Performance Controller (e.g. Modulation Wheel or
Hold Pedal) or Sound Parameters (e.g. Cutoff or Patch Volume).
The Performance Controllers are not stored with a Single-Sound. If more than one Multi Part is
set to the same MIDI channel, all Parts on this MIDI channel receive the same Performance
The Sound Parameters are stored with a Single Sound. If more than one Multi Part is set to the
same MIDI channel, the Sound Parameter is receiced only by the Multi Part with the lowest part

Example: B0,21,40
Set oscillator balance (21 hex = 33 dec) on MIDI channel 1 to the middle position (40 hex =64 dec).

Polyphonic Pressure message (only Page B)

Ac :Status byte, c=MIDI channel
nn :Parameter Number 0..127 (see parameter list Page B)
vv :Parameter Value 0..127 (see parameter list Page B)

Example: A2,07,25
Control LFO3 Rate on MIDI channel 3 (!).


F0 :Start of System Exclusive
00 :Manufacturer ID 1 (Access Music Electronics)
20 :Manufacturer ID 2 (Access Music Electronics)
33 :Manufacturer ID 3 (Access Music Electronics)
01 :Product ID (Virus)
dd :Device ID 00..0F: individual; 10: omni.
F7 :End of System Exclusive

Device ID


SysEx Parameterchange:

7x :Parameterchange 70:page A; 71:page B; 72:page C
pp :Part number 00..0F: Multi part 1..16; 40: Single
nn :Parameter Number 0..127 (see parameter list)
vv :Parameter Value 0..127 (see parameter list)


The SysEx Parameterchange affects one of the sixteen single edit buffer in Multi Mode addressed
by the part number (00..0F) or the Single buffer in Single Mode (part number 40).
If a global parameter or a Multi parameter is accessed, which is not part-sensitive
(e.g. Input Boost or Multi Delay Time), the part number is ignored.

Example: F0,00,20,33,01,10,70,05,28,5F,F7
Set Cutoff on Part 6 to decimal value 95.
(10: device ID omni; 70: page A, 05: part 6; 28: parameter Cutoff, 5F: decimal value 95)

Single Dump

10 :Single Dump
bb :Bank Number 00: Single Edit buffer; 01..04: Single Bank A..D
ss :Program Number 0..127
[256 single bytes]
cs ;Checksum optional

{F0,00,20,33,01,dd,10,bb,ss,[256 single bytes],cs,F7}

When bank number is set to 00, the program number is the part number that addresses one of the
sixteen Single Edit buffer in Multi Mode (00..0F) or the Single buffer in Single Mode (40).

[256 single bytes] contents the Single parameter pages A and B, each 128 bytes long.

Checksum is the sum
(DeviceID + 10 + BankNumber + ProgramNumber + [256 single bytes]) AND 7F.
A dump with a wrong checksum will be received, but an error message will appear on the display.

Multi Dump

11 :Multi Dump
bb :Bank Number 00:Multi Edit buffer; 01:multi bank
mm :Program Number 0..127
[256 multi bytes]
cs ;Checksum optional

{F0,00,20,33,01,dd,11,bb,mm,[256 multi bytes],cs,F7}

When bank number 00, the dump destination is the Multi Edit buffer. In this case the program
number is ignored.

[256 multi bytes] contents the Multi parameters in a special succession. See Multi Dump Table.

Checksum is the sum
(DeviceID + 11 + BankNumber + ProgramNumber + [256 multi bytes]) AND 7F.
A dump with a wrong checksum will be received, but an error message will appear on the display.

Single Request

30 :Single Request
bb :Bank Number 00: Single Edit buffer; 01..04: Single Bank A..D
ss :Program Number 0..127


When bank number is set to 00, the program number is the part number that addresses one of the
sixteen Single Edit buffer in Multi Mode (00..0F) or the Single buffer in Single Mode (40).

Multi Request

31 :Multi Request
bb :Bank Number 00:Multi Edit buffer; 01:multi bank
mm :Program Number 0..127


When bank number 00, the dump destination is the Multi Edit buffer. In this case the program
number is ignored.

Single Bank Request

32 :Single Bank Request
bb :Bank Number 01..04: Single Bank A..D


Multi Bank Request

33 :Multi Bank Request
bb :Bank Number 01:multi bank


Arrangement Request

34 :Arrangement Request


Global Request

35 :Global Request


Total Request

36 :Total Request


Controller Dump Request

37 :Controller Dump Request
00 :Bank Number (always zero)
ss :Part Number


The Part number addresses one of the sixteen Single Edit buffer in Multi Mode (00..0F)
or the Single buffer in Single Mode (40).


In the following, all bytes are shown in decimal representation.


No. Class Name Range Value

A 0 p Bank Select 0..3 Bank A..D
A 1 p Modulation Wheel
A 2 p Breath Controller
A 3 p Contr 3
A 4 p Foot Controller
A 5 a Portamento Time 0..127
A 6 p Data Slider
A 7 p Channel Volume 0..127
A 8 p Balance
A 9 p Contr 9
A 10 a Panorama 0..127 -64..0..+63: Left..Center..Right
A 11 p Expression
A 12 p Contr 12
A 13 p Contr 13
A 14 p Contr 14
A 15 p Contr 15
A 16 p Contr 16

A 17 a Osc1 Shape 0..127 -64..0..+63: Wave..Saw..Pulse
A 18 a Osc1 Pulsewidth 0..127
A 19 a Osc1 Wave Select 0..64 Sine, Triangle, Wave 3..64
A 20 a Osc1 Semitone 0..127 -64..+63
A 21 a Osc1 Keyfollow 0..127 -64..+63, Default: 32
A 22 a Osc2 Shape 0..127 -64..0..+63: Wave..Saw..Pulse
A 23 a Osc2 Pulsewidth 0..127
A 24 a Osc2 Wave Select 0..64 Sine, Triangle, Wave 3..64
A 25 a Osc2 Semitone 0..127 -64..+63
A 26 a Osc2 Detune 0..127
A 27 a Osc2 FM Amount 0..127
A 28 a Osc2 Sync 0..1 0:Off 1:On
A 29 a Osc2 Filt Env Amt 0..127 -64..+63
A 30 a FM Filt Env Amt 0..127 -64..+63
A 31 a Osc2 Keyfollow 0..127 -64..+63: Default: 32
A 32 p Bank Select 0..3 Bank A..D
A 33 a Osc Balance 0..127 -64..+63: Osc1..Osc1+2..Osc2
A 34 a Suboscillator Volume 0..127
A 35 a Suboscillator Shape 0..1 0:Square 1:Triangle
A 36 a Osc Mainvolume 0..127
A 37 a Noise Volume 0..127
A 38 a Ringmodulator Volume 0..127

A 40 a Cutoff 0..127
A 41 a Cutoff2 0..127 -64..+63
A 42 a Filter1 Resonance 0..127
A 43 a Filter2 Resonance 0..127
A 44 a Filter1 Env Amt 0..127
A 45 a Filter2 Env Amt 0..127
A 46 a Filter1 Keyfollow 0..127 -64..+63
A 47 a Filter2 Keyfollow 0..127 -64..+63
A 48 a Filter Balance 0..127 -64..+63
A 49 a Saturation Curve 0..6 0:Off 1:Light 2:Soft 3:Middle 4:Hard 5:Digital 6: Shaper
A 51 a Filter1 Mode 0..3 0:LP 1:HP 2:BP 3:BS
A 52 a Filter2 Mode 0..3 0:LP 1:HP 2:BP 3:BS
A 53 a Filter Routing 0..3 0:Ser4 1:Ser6 2:Par4 3:Split
A 54 a Filter Env Attack 0..127
A 55 a Filter Env Decay 0..127
A 56 a Filter Env Sustain 0..127
A 57 a Filter Env Sustain Time 0..127 -64..+63: Fall..Infinite..Rise
A 58 a Filter Env Release 0..127

A 59 a Amp Env Attack 0..127
A 60 a Amp Env Decay 0..127
A 61 a Amp Env Sustain 0..127
A 62 a Amp Env Sustain Time 0..127 -64..+63: Fall..Infinite..Rise
A 63 a Amp Env Release 0...127

A 64 p Hold Pedal
A 65 p Portamento Pedal
A 66 p Sostenuto Pedal

A 67 a Lfo1 Rate 0..127
A 68 a Lfo1 Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
A 69 a Lfo1 Env Mode 0..1 0:Off 1:On
A 70 a Lfo1 Mode 0..1 0:Poly 1:Mono
A 71 a Lfo1 Symmetry 0..127 -64..+63
A 72 a Lfo1 Keyfollow 0..127
A 73 a Lfo1 Keytrigger 0..127 0:Off, 1..127:Keytrigger Phase
A 74 a Osc1 Lfo1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 75 a Osc2 Lfo1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 76 a PW Lfo1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 77 a Reso Lfo1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 78 a FiltGain Lfo1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 79 a Lfo2 Rate 0..127
A 80 a Lfo2 Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
A 81 a Lfo2 Env Mode 0..1 0:Off 1:On
A 82 a Lfo2 Mode 0..1 0:Poly 1:Mono
A 83 a Lfo2 Symmetry 0..127 -64..+63
A 84 a Lfo2 Keyfollow 0..127
A 85 a Lfo2 Keytrigger 0..127 0:Off, 1..127:Keytrigger Phase
A 86 a OscShape Lfo2 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 87 a FmAmount Lfo2 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 88 a Cutoff1 Lfo2 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 89 a Cutoff2 Lfo2 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
A 90 a Panorama Lfo2 Amount 0..127 -64..+63

A 91 a Patch Volume 0..127
A 93 a Transpose 0..127 -64..+63
A 94 a Key Mode 0..4 0:Poly 1..4: Mono1-4
A 97 a Unison Mode 0..1 0:Off 1:On
A 98 a Unison Detune 0..127
A 99 a Unison Panorama Spread 0..127
A100 a Unison Lfo Phase 0..127 -64..+63
A101 a Input Mode 0..2 0:Off 1:Dynamic 2:Static
A102 a Input Select 0..8 0:In1L 1:In1L+R 2:In1R ..

A105 a Chorus Mix 0..127
A106 a Chorus Rate 0..127
A107 a Chorus Depth 0..127
A108 a Chorus Delay 0..127
A109 a Chorus Feedback 0..127 -64..+63
A110 a Chorus Lfo Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
A113 a,ms Effect Send 0..127
A114 a,ms,np Delay Time 0..127
A115 a,ms,np Delay Feedback 0..127
A116 a,ms,np Delay Rate 0..127
A117 a,ms,np Delay Depth 0..127
A118 a,ms,np Delay Lfo Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
A123 p All Notes Off


No. Class Name Range Value

B 1 b Arp Mode 0..6 0:Off 1:Up 2:Down 3:Up&Down 4:AsPlayed 5:Random 6:Chord
B 3 b Arp Octave Range 0..3
B 4 b Arp Hold Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
B 7 b Lfo3 Rate 0..127
B 8 b Lfo3 Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
B 9 b Lfo3 Mode 0..1 0:Poly 1:Mono
B 10 b Lfo3 Keyfollow 0..127
B 11 b Lfo3 Destination 0..5 0:Osc1 1:Osc1+2 2:Osc2 3:PW1 4:PW1+2 5:PW2
B 12 b Osc Lfo3 Amount 0..127
B 13 b Lfo3 Fade-In Time 0..127
B 16 b Clock Tempo 0..127 63..190 BPM
B 17 b Arp Clock 1..17 1/64..1/1
B 18 b Lfo1 Clock 0..19 Off, 1/64..4/1
B 19 b Lfo2 Clock 0..19 Off, 1/64..4/1
B 20 b,ms,np Delay Clock 0..16 Off, 1/64..3/4
B 21 b Lfo3 Clock 0..19 Off, 1/64..4/1

B 25 b Control Smooth Mode 0..3 0:Off, 1:On, 2:Auto, 3:Note
B 26 b Bender Range Up 0..127 -64..+63
B 27 b Bender Range Down 0..127 -64..+63
B 28 b Bender Scale 0..1 0:Linear 1:Exponential

B 30 b Filter1 Env Polarity 0..1 0:Negative 1:Positive
B 31 b Filter2 Env Polarity 0..1 0:Negative 1:Positive
B 32 b Filter2 Cutoff Link 0..1 0:Off 1:On
B 33 b Filter Keytrack Base 0..127 C-1..G9

B 35 b Osc Init Phase 0..127 0:Off 1..127
B 36 b Punch Intensity 0..127

B 39 b Vocoder Mode 0..12 0:Off 1:Osc 2:OscHold 3:Noise 4:In L 5:In L+R ...

B 47 b Osc1 Shape Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 48 b Osc2 Shape Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 49 b PulseWidth Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 50 b Fm Amount Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 54 b Filter1 EnvAmt Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 55 b Filter1 EnvAmt Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 56 b Resonance1 Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 57 b Resonance2 Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 60 b Amp Velocity 0..127 -64..+63
B 61 b Panorama Velocity 0..127 -64..+63

B 62 b Definable1 Single see Definable List
B 63 b Definable2 Single see Definable List

B 64 b Assign1 Source see Assign Sources List
B 65 b Assign1 Destination see Assign Destinations List
B 66 b Assign1 Amount 0..127 -64..+63
B 67 b Assign2 Source see Assign Sources List
B 68 b Assign2 Destination1 see Assign Destinations List
B 69 b Assign2 Amount1 0..127 -64..+63
B 70 b Assign2 Destination2 see Assign Destinations List
B 71 b Assign2 Amount2 0..127 -64..+63
B 72 b Assign3 Source see Assign Sources List
B 73 b Assign3 Destination1 see Assign Destinations List
B 74 b Assign3 Amount1 0..127 -64..+63
B 75 b Assign3 Destination2 see Assign Destinations List
B 76 b Assign3 Amount2 0..127 -64..+63
B 77 b Assign3 Destination3 see Assign Destinations List
B 78 b Assign3 Amount3 0..127 -64..+63

B112 b Single Name Char1 32..127 ASCII
B113 b Single Name Char2 32..127 ASCII
B114 b Single Name Char3 32..127 ASCII
B115 b Single Name Char4 32..127 ASCII
B116 b Single Name Char5 32..127 ASCII
B117 b Single Name Char6 32..127 ASCII
B118 b Single Name Char7 32..127 ASCII
B119 b Single Name Char8 32..127 ASCII
B120 b Single Name Char9 32..127 ASCII
B121 b Single Name Char10 32..127 ASCII
B122 b Filter Select 0..2 0:Filt1 1:Filt2 2:Filt1*2


No. Class Name Range Value

C 5 m,np Multi Name Char1 32..127 ASCII
C 6 m,np Multi Name Char2 32..127 ASCII
C 7 m,np Multi Name Char3 32..127 ASCII
C 8 m,np Multi Name Char4 32..127 ASCII
C 9 m,np Multi Name Char5 32..127 ASCII
C 10 m,np Multi Name Char6 32..127 ASCII
C 11 m,np Multi Name Char7 32..127 ASCII
C 12 m,np Multi Name Char8 32..127 ASCII
C 13 m,np Multi Name Char9 32..127 ASCII
C 14 m,np Multi Name Char10 32..127 ASCII

C 22 m,np Delay Output Select 0..14 0:Out1L 1:Out1L+R 2:Out1R ..

C 31 m,bpc Part Bank Select 0..3 Bank A..D
C 32 m,bpc Part Bank Change 0..3 Bank A..D
C 33 m,bpc Part Program Change 0..127

C 34 m Part Midi Channel 0..15 1..16
C 35 m Part Low Key 0..127 C-1..G9
C 36 m Part High Key 0..127 C-1..G9
C 37 m Part Transpose 0..127 -64..+63
C 38 m Part Detune 0..127 -64..+63
C 39 m Part Volume 0..127 -64..+63; 0 Unity Gain
C 40 m Part Midi Volume Init 0..127 Off, 1..127
C 41 m Part Output Select 0..14 0:Out1L 1:Out1L+R 2:Out1R ..

C 72 m Part Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 73 m Part Midi Volume Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 74 m Part Hold Pedal Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 77 m Note Steal Priority 0..1 0:Low 1:High
C 78 m Part Prog Change Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On

C 85 g Glob Prog Change Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 86 g MultiProg Change Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 87 g Glob Midi Volume Enable 0..1 0:Off 1:On

C 90 g Input Thru Level 0..127
C 91 g Input Boost 0..127
C 92 g Master Tune 0..127 -64..+63
C 93 g Device ID 0..16 1..16, Omni
C 94 g Midi Control Low Page 0..1 0:SysEx 1:Contr
C 95 g Midi Control High Page 0..1 0:SysEx 1:PolyPrs
C 96 g Midi Arpeggiator Send 0..1 0:Off 1:On
C 97 g Knob Display 0..3 0:Off 1:Short 2:Long 3:On
C 98 g Midi Dump Tx 0..4 0:Single 1:SingleBankA 2:SingleBankB ...
C 99 g Midi Dump Rx 0..4 0:Disable 1:Enable 2:ForceToBankA ...
C105 g Multi Program Change 0..127
C106 g Midi Clock Rx 0:Disable 1:Auto
C110 g Definable1 Mode 0..2 0:Single 1:Global 2:Midi
C111 g Definable2 Mode 0..2 0:Single 1:Global 2:Midi
C112 g Definable1 Global see Definable List
C113 g Definable2 Global see Definable List
C114 g Definable1 Midi 0..127
C115 g Definable2 Midi 0..127
C116 g Expert Mode 0..1 0:0ff 1:On
C117 g Knob Mode 0..3 0:Off 1:Jump 2:Snap 3:Relative
C118 g Memory Protect 0..1 0:0ff 1:On
C120 g Soft Thru 0..1 0:0ff 1:On
C121 g Panel Destination 0..2 0:Internal 1:Int+Midi 2:Midi
C122 g Play Mode 0..2 0:Single 1:MultiSingle 2:Multi
C123 g Part Number 0..15;40 0..15:Multi Part 1..16; 40:Single Buffer
C124 g Global Channel 0..15 1..16
C125 g Led Mode 0..2 0:Lfo 1:Input 2:Auto ...
C126 g LCD Contrast 0..127
C127 g Master Volume 0..127


p: Performance Controller
Accessible by Control message.
Performance Controllers are not stored with a Single-Sound.
If more than one Multi Part is set to the same MIDI channel, all Parts on this MIDI channel
receive the same Performance Controllers.

a: Sound Parameter of Bank A
Accessible by Control message, SysEx-Parameterchange and Single-Dump.
The Sound Parameters are stored with a Single Sound.
When received as Control Message, the Sound Parameter is received only by the Multi Part with
the lowest part number, if more than one Multi Part is set to the same MIDI channel.
When received as SysEx-Parameterchange or Single-Dump, the part is addressed by the part number
irrespective of the actual MIDI channel setting.

b: Sound Parameter of Bank B
Accessible by MIDI Polyphonic Pressure, SysEx-Parameterchange and Single-Dump.
The Sound Parameters are stored with a Single Sound.
When received as Polyphonic Pressure, the Sound Parameter is received only by the Multi Part
with the lowest part number, if more than one Multi Part is set to the same MIDI channel.
When received as SysEx-Parameterchange or Single-Dump, the part is addressed by the part number
irrespective of the actual MIDI channel setting.

m: Multi Parameter
Accessible by SysEx-Parameterchange and Multi-Dump
The Multi Parameters are stored with a Multi Patch.

ms: Multi/Single Parameter
When in Single Mode, the parameter is received and stored with the Single Sound.
When in Multi Mode, the parameter is received and stored with the Multi Patch.
In Multi Mode the Single Sound settings are ignored while the corresponding Multi Patch
settings are active.

np: Non-part-sensitive Sound Parameter
When in Multi Mode, the parameter affects all Multi Parts.

bpc: Bank/Program-Change Parameter
Bank Select selects the Single bank accessed by a subsequent Program Change, similar to
the regular Bank Select.
Bank Change directly changes the Single program to the requested bank, without changing
the program number.
Program Change directly changes the Single program to the requested program number, without
changing the bank number; similar to the regular Program Change.
Part number $40 will address the Single buffer in Single Mode.

g: Global Parameter
The Global Parameters are independend of Single Sounds or Multi Patches and non-part sensitive.

On non-part-sensitive parameters the part number is ignored, but must still be sent as any value.

The Virus can be switched between Multi Mode and Single Mode by parameter C123 Part Number.

Remarks for editor/librarian programs
Not all 256 bytes of a Single or Multi Dump are defined as a parameter. Some of them are defined
for internal use or reserved for future applications. In a bulk dump these byte should not be
changed, they should be sent to the Virus on the same value as they were received in the dump.

One of the internal parameter (A 0) is the sound version number. On future Virus system updates
new parameters will be defined. When the Virus receives an older sound, the new parameters will
be set to default values in the edit buffer and the version number will be updated automatically.
The Virus update algorithm can be used from outside just by sending a dump and requesting it


No. Name Range Value

0..3 Internal

4..13 Multi Name Characters 1..10 32..127 ASCII

14 Internal
15 Multi Clock Tempo 0..127 63..190 BPM
16 Internal

17 Multi Delay Time 0..127
18 Multi Delay Feedback 0..127
19 Multi Delay Rate 0..127
20 Multi Delay Depth 0..127
21 Multi Delay Shape 0..5 0:Sine 1:Tri 2:Saw 3:Square 4:S&H 5:S&G
22 Multi Delay Output Select 0..127 0:Out1L 1:Out1L+R 2:Out1R ..
23 Multi Delay Clock 0..16 Off, 1/64..3/4

24..31 Internal

32..47 Part 1..16 Bank Number 0..1
48..63 Part 1..16 Program Number 0..127
64..79 Part 1..16 Midi Channel 0..15 1..16
80..95 Part 1..16 Low Key 0..127 C-1..G9
96..111 Part 1..16 High Key 0..127 C-1..G9
112..127 Part 1..16 Transpose 0..127 -64..+63
128..143 Part 1..16 Detune 0..127 -64..+63
144..159 Part 1..16 Part Volume 0..127 -64..+63; 0 Unity Gain
160..175 Part 1..16 Midi Volume Init 0..127 Off, 1..127
176..191 Part 1..16 Output Select 0..14 0:Out1L 1:Out1L+R 2:Out1R ..
192..207 Part 1..16 Effect Send 0..127

208..239 Internal

240..255 Part State Part 1..16 Bitfield (see Part State Bitfield)

Part State Bitfield:

Bit 0 Part Enable 0:Off 1:On
Bit 1 Part Midi Volume Enable 0:Off 1:On
Bit 2 Part Hold Pedal Enable 0:Off 1:On
Bit 3 Internal
Bit 4 Internal
Bit 5 Note Steal Priority 0:Low 1:High
Bit 6 Part Prog Change Enable 0:Off 1:On